Do You Need a Social Security Disability Lawyer for an Appeal?

You’re not required to have a Social Security disability lawyer at any stage of the claims process. However, hiring an experienced attorney – one who is well-familiar with the Utah state laws and local court proceedings – is a smart move if your initial disability application and your request for reconsideration have been denied.

At this point, you’ll need to present a solid case to an administrative law judge (ALJ). And if you have a skilled Social Security disability lawyer assist with your appeal hearing, you stand a much stronger chance of getting approved for benefits. Here’s why. 

Social Security disability lawyer Utah

Gathering Your Medical Records

While you can request your own medical records, disability lawyers can typically get them faster. Plus, an experienced attorney will be able to review your records to determine if additional medical evidence is necessary to support your claim. 

Contacting Your Treating Physicians

A Social Security disability lawyer can also reach out to your doctors, asking for a written opinion regarding your ability to work. You can ask your treating physicians for that as well, but an attorney’s request is more likely to get results.

Helping You Prepare for Questioning

The judge will ask about your disability, your work limitations and the impact of your medical condition on your life. Your disability lawyer will explain what questions to expect and how to answer them, ensuring that your prepared for the appeal hearing.

Questioning the Vocational Expert

A vocational expert (VE) will likely testify at your hearing, and the judge’s decision may hinge upon what they say about your ability to work. Disability lawyers know how to counter negative testimony, asking questions that lead to supportive opinions.

Playing Up the Strengths of Your Claim

Experienced disability lawyers are often acquainted with the local ALJs and have represented clients at appeal hearings before the judge in your case. As such, your lawyer will know how to present your disability claim in the best possible light.

Contact Mountain West Disability for a Free Consultation

You have the right to appeal a disability denial on your own, without an attorney’s help. However, unless you have a clear-cut case and strong evidence to support your claim, going it alone may not result in an approval for disability benefits. Your chances of winning will be much greater if you have legal representation – and the highly skilled professional team at Mountain West Disability in Murray, Utah, is ready to meet your needs.

We’ve been helping disabled individuals with appeal hearings since 2013, and our advocates, attorneys and disability specialists are dedicated to assisting with every part of the claims process. We take good care of our clients, doing everything we can to get claims approved – and we don’t collect a fee unless we win a case.

If you’re preparing for a Social Security disability appeal hearing and want expert help from an accomplished Social Security disability lawyer in Utah, contact Mountain West Disability today.